
What is the delivery fee?
There is a flat rate delivery fee of $10
Where do you deliver to?
We deliver to Sydney CBD and most suburbs.
What are the delivery days and times? 
We deliver Monday - Saturday between 10am - 5pm.  
Do you deliver on Sundays?
We don't deliver on Sundays.  We suggest a Saturday delivery for Sunday functions.  Our cakes are freshly baked and will be totally delicious for a couple of days.
Can I specify a delivery time? 
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee a specified delivery time.  Rest assured your order will arrive by 5pm
If no-one is available to receive the delivery? 
We endevour to deliver your products on time and in its best condition to the recipients.  By ordering through us, you are accepting responsibility that someone is able to accept the cake upon delivery.  We do understand that unforseen circumstances may arise that no-one is available or the unit/building cannot be accessed when the delivery is made.  In this case, the driver will contact the person who is registered with the order.  If he/she is uncontactable, the cake will be left on the premises if it is safe to do so.  If this is not possible, the cake will be returned to Sweet Sugar Fix HQ.  A re-delivery fee will apply and a new delivery day will have to be re-organised
The cake is perishable item and we do not take responsibility for unattended left items.
Please feel free to CONTACT US for further questions